Letter to Tasse – Crowley Fuel Customers regarding the covid 19 virus
We would like for our customers to know that we have been watching the advance of the corona virus and have been discussing ways that we can protect our customers and our employees from contracting this sickness. We are sending out this letter to let our customers know what our strategy is for reducing the impact of this virus while maintaining the level of service that you have come to expect from us for all of these years.
This plan is based on information that we have found on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and policies made by our state government. This information is available at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-n-cov/
You can be assured that if you need service that we will be there to provide it for you. Emergency service, as always, will take precedence but some non-emergency service may be scheduled after the virus has run its course.
We ask for your cooperation with this plan. Please identify if there is anyone in your home who has the virus or has come into contact with anyone who has the virus when you call for service.
This plan does not affect oil deliveries unless they involve the driver having to come into your home.
Here is our plan:
Prevent contact between infected or potentially infected people and those who are not infected.
Employees who test positive or have come into contact with infected people will self-quarantine at home until they pose no threat of spreading the virus.
Employees with compromised immune systems will not be sent on service calls to homes where they may contract this virus.
Customers who need emergency service and have an infected or potentially infected person in the home will be asked to try to minimize contact with the service technician. Wearing a mask and letting the service tech in through the cellar are some ways that you can make it safer for yourself and the service technician.
Our service technicians will wear nitrile gloves and masks to reduce their risk and yours.
Our offices will remain open for business and there will be Purell hand sanitizer and tissues available for your use if you need to come in. Should anyone in our office come down with the virus or come into contact with anyone who has, we will ask them to stay at home until they are safe to return.
Our office will be cleaned more frequently to remove any potential threats from the virus. If anyone from our office should test positive for the virus, we will close our office and conduct a deep cleaning before we reopen.
We ask that you not come to our office if you have the virus or have come into contact with anyone who has.
There are online options for doing business with us if you haven’t already signed up to access our web portal. Please call our office if you need help dong this.
We at Tasse – Crowley Fuel hope that this plan makes sense to you and that you stay healthy during this challenging time. If you have any questions or suggestions for us, please email, post or call.